See more ideas about Egg tart, Tart, Tart recipes. · Egg Custard Tarts: I tried my hand at a classic Egg Custard Tart using Paul Hollywood's Recipe. Egg tart is one of the delicacies that can be found in most Asian countries, especially in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Egg tart was introduced to Hong Kong as a kind of "dim sum" (snack) during.
Bahan Membuat Egg Tart
- Resep : xanderskitchen.
- KULIT :.
- 300 gr terigu segitiga.
- 1 sdm gula halus.
- 1 butir telur.
- 200 gr butter (aku pake blueband cake & cookie, lagi ngga punya butter).
- 1 sdm tepung maizena.
- 2 sdm susu bubuk full cream.
- ISI:.
- 4 butir telur.
- 250 ml air.
- 225 gr susu kental manis.
- 1 sdt pasta vanilla.
Langkah Memasak Egg Tart
- KULIT : Campur semua bahan jadi satu, aduk dengan sendok kayu hingga berbutir-butir. JANGAN DIULENI supaya kulit tidak keras. Padatkan adonan jadi 1 bulatan. Simpan di kulkas 10 menit.
- ISI : Aduk semua bahan jadi satu dengan whisk, saring.
- Oles loyang pie bongkar pasang dengan minyak tipis-tipis. Tipiskan adonan (bisa pake rolling pin atau pake tangan), cetak di loyang, tusuk2 dengan garpu.
- Tuang isi ke loyang. Jika ada gelembung udara, tusuk dengan tusuk gigi supaya mulus.
- Panggang di oven dengan suhu 160°C. Suhu oven jangan terlalu panas supaya isi tidak menggelembung.
The tarts consist of an outer pastry crust that is filled with egg custard and baked. Today, egg tarts come in many variations within Hong Kong cuisine, including egg white tarts, milk tarts. Hong-Kong style egg tarts are probably my favorite pastry. And the best part is…they can be made Chinese or Hong Kong egg tarts can be found in Hong Kong, Macau, and other parts of China. Pour the milk onto the egg yolk mixture and stir well, creating little bubbles.
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