Pie crust / tart shell (eggless) Let the tart cool in the pan. This is le fond de tarte (bottom of tart in English literally), tart shell without filling. Golden brown edges, dry side and bottom.

Bahan Membuat Pie crust / tart shell (eggless)

  1. 200 gr margarin.
  2. 350 gr terigu protein sedang.
  3. 60 gr gula halus.
  4. Sejumput garam.
  5. 1/2 sdt vanili bubuk.
  6. 2 sdm air es.

Langkah Memasak Pie crust / tart shell (eggless)

  1. Campur margarin, gula halus, terigu, garam, vanili bubuk dengan menggunakan garpu, hingga berbutir seperti pasir.
  2. Lalu tambahkan 2 sdm air es, bulatkan adonan, jika masih beremah boleh ditambah air es lagi. Jika sudah bisa dibulatkan masukan dalam plastik wrap simpan dalam kulkas kurang lebih 30 menit.
  3. Ambil adonan dan cetak pada cetakan pie, tusuk-tusuk dengan garpu agar tidak menggelembung saat di oven.
  4. Panggang dalam oven dengan api sedang (saya pake otang) selama 25-30 menit. Angkat dan pie crust siap digunakan.

Your tomato tart looks so beautiful that I really have to try this pie crust so I can make a tomato tart. Tart crusts are usually made from pastry dough: traditionally flour, unsalted butter, cold water, and sometimes sugar. The goal is a firm, crumbly crust. Tarts are baked in a pan with a removable bottom, or in pastry ring on top of a baking sheet so that it can be unmolded before serving. And, my pie crust shield was a great investment.

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