Stir in water, a tablespoon at a time, until mixture forms a ball. Adding a lattice crust to the top of your pie may seem a little daunting, but it's actually quite easy. How We Add a Lattice Crust to Our Pies.
Bahan Membuat Crust / Kulit Pie
- 230 gr Tepung pro rendah.
- 20 gr Maizena.
- 100 gr Margarine + 50gr butter.
- 1 btr Telur.
- 25 gr susu bubuk.
- 1 sdm gula halus.
- 1/4 sdt vanili (optional).
Langkah Memasak Crust / Kulit Pie
- Kocok telur, gula, dan margarin+butter sampai rata lalu masukan semua sisa bahan. Siap cetak.
- Note : untuk mengaduk bisa pake mixer atau cukup pake spatula. Jgn terlalu lama diaduk pake tangan nanti adonan suka keras dan banten..
Forget store-bought pie dough: Our homemade pie crust recipe is perfectly flaky and oh, so easy. How to Make the Perfect Flaky Pie Crust. Homemade pie crust can elevate your next pie or tart to new heights of culinary excellence. Try these no-fail pie crust recipes and video instructions to bake your most impressive pie ever! Our perfect pie crust is super easy to make, super flaky, and SO buttery without the use of Pir crust recipes often call for a tablespoon of vinegar or vodka as a secret ingredient for creating even flakier.
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