This delicious Salmon Steak Recipe is Healthy and Easy to Make. Get the details by following our tried and tested recipe. Salmon Steak is placed on top of the grill, a grill pan, or a griddle until both sides are just about right - cooked in the outside but still juicy inside.
Bahan Membuat Salmon steak wiht saos saori
- 3 potong salmon sesuai selera.
- Secukupnya lada hitam, garam.
- Secukupnya air perasan lemon.
- Bumbu saos.
- 2 sdm saori.
- Sedikit bawang bombay.
- Sedikit air.
- Pelengkap sayuran.
- Wortel, jagung, buncis (tumis/rebus).
Langkah Memasak Salmon steak wiht saos saori
- Cuci bersih salmon, beri garam dan lada hitam diamkan kira kira 15 - 20 menit.
- Panggang salmon dg suhu 120° selama 5 menit. kl menggunakan teflon diatas api kecil cenderung mati jangan lupa dibalik. angkat.
- Simpan diatas piring diatasny beri saos dan hidangkan dg sayuran..
Giving salmon steaks the brush-off was the key to success. Pat salmon dry, if necessary, then evenly season all sides of the filets with salt, pepper, and Cajun spice. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Assemble tacos: Top tortillas with salmon, avocado salsa, and cilantro. Serve with lime wedges for squeezing.
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