Cappuccino Peanut Butter Cookies A simple no bake peanut butter pie made with cream cheese, peanut butter, heavy cream and Oreo cookies. These are the best peanut butter cookies ever! Use your favorite store-brand peanut butter and a combination of white and brown sugar.

Bahan Membuat Cappuccino Peanut Butter Cookies

  1. 85 gr gula castor (gula halus).
  2. 100 gr salted butter.
  3. 1 kuning telur.
  4. 120 gr skippy peanut butter (boleh merk lain).
  5. 95 gr tepung protein rendah.
  6. 20 gr maizena.
  7. 4 gr bubuk kopi granule (saya nescafé).
  8. 10 gr susu bubuk.
  9. sedikit kacang tanah panggang (saya beli jadi).

Langkah Memasak Cappuccino Peanut Butter Cookies

  1. Mixer gula dan butter sampai fluffy selama 2 menit. Tuang kuning telur dan vanilla, mixer rata. Tuang selai kacang, aduk rata dengan spatula..
  2. Campur di tempat terpisah : tepung, kopi, susu, maizena, ayak. Tuang ke adonan sedikit demi sedikit, cukup sambil diaduk spatula. Sampai rata..
  3. Ambil dan timbang adonan @10 gr, (saya kira² aja, bulat kecil) bulatkan dan tata di loyang yang sudah dialasi kertas baking (saya loyang diolesi margarin). Beri jarak..
  4. Pipihkan dengan garpu dengan cara menyilang sehingga terbentuk motif, tabur kacang panggang..
  5. Oven selama 18-20 menit suhu 160°C. Angkat bila sudah matang, biarkan mendingin di loyang di atas rak pendingin..
  6. Simpan dalam toples.

These aren't simply peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips; no, they're chocolate chip cookies with peanut butter. After I made my favorite peanut butter cookie recipe and the best ever chocolate chip cookie recipe, I started realizing y'all love BOTH of those cookies. When you make a "peanut butter cookie" with only peanut butter, sugar, and an egg, you just can't get the typical texture that you'd expect from a cookie. And that's why this peanut butter cookie recipe is my absolute favorite: It has tons of peanut butter flavor and richness. Peanut Butter cookies are what childhood memories are made of.

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