MINI ROLL SUSHI Sushi rat is an honorable and dedicated chef who takes the culinary arts very seriously. Learn from a great master as he prepares his now famous and delicious cucumber pepper rolls! Sushi rat is an honorable and dedicated chef who takes the culinary arts very seriously. learn from a great master as he prepare.


  1. 50 gram Beras.
  2. 25 gram Beras ketan.
  3. secukupnya Air.
  4. secukupnya Nori.
  5. 2 potong Nugget.
  6. 1 potong Sosis Sapi.
  7. 1/4 sendok teh Garam.
  8. secukupnya Gula Pasir.

Langkah Memasak MINI ROLL SUSHI

  1. 1. Beras dan beras ketan diaron 2. Didihkan air pada kukusan, kemudian kukus beras aron, selama 30 menit. (bisa juga langsung dimasak pake majigcom). 3. Letakkan nori pada dasar cetakan sushi, kemudian masukkan nasi yang sudah matang, letakkan sosis ataupun nugget ditengahnya, pilih salah satu saja..
  2. 1. Tutup kembali dengan nasi, lalu tutup lagi dengan nori 2. Tutup dengan tutup cetakan dan tekan..
  3. Buka cetakan dan keluarkan sushi yang sudah jadi gulungan.
  4. Potong-potong dan siap disantap.

While it may seem like a lot of effort. Sushi rat is an honorable and dedicated chef who takes the culinary arts very seriously. Sushi rat is an honorable and dedicated chef who takes the culinary arts very seriously. Once you know howh to make one sushi recipe, you'll be able to make any sushi recipe. You need to upgrade your Flash Player in order to play this game.

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