Salmon Sushi Roll Sushi Rolls With Salmon In It Recipes. The smoked salmon sushi roll is a fun and exciting sushi roll which consists of smoked salmon on the outside with a avocado, fresh salmon and mascapone filling. Below is the full recipe so you can.

Bahan Membuat Salmon Sushi Roll

  1. 👡Bumbu Sushi Rice :.
  2. Sushi rice dr takaran 1 cangkir beras.
  3. 1 sdm cuka sushi.
  4. 1/2 sdm gula.
  5. 1 sdm soysauce kinkoman.
  6. 1 sdm mayonaise.
  7. 👡Isi :.
  8. secukupnya Udang goreng.
  9. secukupnya Salmon filet goreng.
  10. secukupnya Timun.
  11. secukupnya Keju.
  12. secukupnya Telur rebus.
  13. secukupnya Nori.
  14. Crab stick secukupnya.
  15. secukupnya Mayonaise.

Langkah Memasak Salmon Sushi Roll

  1. UDANG goreng/ SALMON goreng : marinasi dg saus teriyaki, balurin tepung kobe crispy. Goreng deh. KEJU/TIMUN : iris panjang. CRAB STICK : rebus sebentar, iris panjang. TELUR : hancurkan telur rebus dg garpu + 1sdm mayonaise.
  2. Sushi rice, di aduk dg bumbu... di photo nasi rada hancur krn aduknya pas baru mateng 😆. Lebih baik tunggu hanget.
  3. Tinggal di susun deh spt di photo yaa... dan di beri mayonaise sedikit.
  4. Jd tinggal potong2...
  5. .

If the first one doesn't come out well, at least you'll enjoy GlutenFreeDiet, LowLactoseDiet, VegetarianDiet, LowSaltDiet. Sushi doesn't get any fresher than making it at home! Trident Seafoods canned salmon is transformed into a creamy spread that. Reminiscent of our favorite salmon rolls, these spicy salmon sushi burritos are one of our dinnertime staples. An easy ginger and sriracha spiked salmon salad gets wrapped in nori with sushi rice.

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